Back to the team Martina Eguiguren, MD
Back to the team Martina Eguiguren, MD

Main offices: Lower East Side
Martina Eguiguren, MD
-Undergraduate: Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador
-Medical School: Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador
-Residency: St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center – New York Medical College, Patterson, NJ
-Second Languages: Spanish
Q & A with Dr. Martina Eguiguren
How did you get into pediatrics?
I belong to a family with many generations of doctors, so I was introduced to the medical world early in life. As a teenager I would join my father in pediatric rounds and deliveries, and that is how my interest in the field continued to grow. Later, in college, I worked with children who suffer from chronic illness. It was a difficult experience that reinforced my passion for pediatrics. I enjoy watching children grow, evolve, and become more complex as time goes by.
Where did you grow up?
I was born in Florida and lived in the US until I was 5 years old. Then moved back to Ecuador, where I grew up.
Where do you live?
Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
What do you enjoy most about working in the Lower East Side?
Engaging with the local community and caring for the children of such a culturally rich and diverse neighborhood.
What keeps you motivated?
Knowing that I am contributing to society by providing guidance and wellbeing to children who are the future of humanity.
What do you do for fun?
I enjoy traveling, going to music concerts, walking in nature, riding my bike.