Back to the team Nicole Yohrling, PNP

Back to the team Nicole Yohrling, PNP

Main offices:  Willowbrook Park  

Nicole Yohrling, PNP

-Undergraduate: College of Staten Island
-Graduate School: SUNY Downstate

Q&A with Nicole Yohrlingo

How did you get into pediatrics?
I started working as an attendant for children’s birthday parties as a young teenager and from that point working with children brought me so much joy. It was almost instant that I knew pediatrics was going to be my specialty.

Where did you grow up?
Born and raised in Staten Island, NY

Where do you live?
Staten Island, NY

What do you enjoy most about working in your neighborhood office?
The close knit relationships you build with the families and community allowing for continuity and individualized care.

What keeps you motivated?
If there is one thing I learned, it is to never give up and always keep learning because there is no one that knows everything but everyone knows something, so listen and learn!

What do you do for fun?
I enjoy reading novels on my kindle or playing with my three dogs!