Back to the team Laura Berglass, FNP

Back to the team Laura Berglass, FNP

Main offices:  Jersey City  

Laura Berglass, FNP

-Undergraduate: University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts.
-Graduate school: Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, and Duke University, Durham, North Carolina.

Q & A with Laura Berglass

How did you get into pediatrics?
During undergrad I worked with children in a community organization and grew an appreciation for the impact of preventative medicine at a young age.

Where did you grow up?
New Haven, CT.

Where do you live?
Jersey City.

What are you looking forward to in your neighborhood office?
Having the opportunity to watch children and their families grow.

What keeps you motivated?
Helping the patient population in Jersey City!

What do you do for fun?
Take and teach yoga classes, as well as cook and spend time with family and friends.